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Charlie and Jenny Bennett

Charlie and Jenny met when they were 19. Over 40 years on, they are still in love and focus every day on loving and caring for each other. Jenny’s diagnosis in 1973 at just 15 and in Year 10 at school were very hard days, but Charlie and Jenny have always remained determined not to let Jenny’s MS define their life and always focused on living life to the fullest and taking each day as it comes.

Like any young couple, Charlie and Jenny were hopeful for their future. They entered the workforce and loved being a part of their working community and building a life together. Jenny had different symptoms throughout this time, but continued work. In 2013 due to ongoing and declining and debilitating symptoms Jenny had to retire. At this time Charlie became Jenny’s full-time carer. They now dedicate their time to help find a cure for MS through fundraising each year in MS Brissie to the Bay, which has helped raise almost $100,000 for “Team Jenny”.

“MS robs you of your independence and self-esteem, Jenny can’t even go and make herself a cup of tea anymore. I’m grateful that I’m fit, healthy and in a position where I can look after Jenny and it’s my pleasure caring for her. I can’t imagine not looking after her.”