The role of a GP in managing a patient with MS
Once MS has been diagnosed GPs should continue to be the primary care physician providing support and monitoring of symptoms and treatments. You will need to communicate with the patient’s neurologist and advise them of any changes to symptoms or blood test results. You can also play an important role in connecting your patient with specialist MS services and information to help them achieve the best out of life. If you are managing a patient with MS for the first time, MS Queensland can provide you with information and resources about MS and connect you with specialist providers of MS therapies and care.
The role of a neurologist in managing a patient with MS
A GP will refer a patient to a neurologist if MS symptoms are present and MS is suspected. It is generally a neurologist who will make the initial diagnosis of MS. Neurologists will develop a treatment plan and prescribe any medication or drug therapy. They can also make referrals to specialist services such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy and neuropsychology.
The role of allied and community health professionals
Allied and community health professionals also have a vital role to play in managing a patient with MS. Specialist care may be provided by physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, neuropsychologists, ophthalmologists, MS nurses, and social works, each with skills and experience to help manage the varying symptoms of MS.  If you are new to the field of MS and would like to learn more about treatment and management of symptoms, MS Queensland can provide you with information and assistance, and connect you with specialist providers who may be able to assist.
How your MS patient can access our services
MS Queensland offers a wide range of services to support people living with MS. For your patient to access these services we require proof of diagnosis by a doctor and for the patient to register with us as a customer. Once they’re registered they will be connected with one of our staff who can assist them with information about MS and access to services and supports.
To register please call our NeuroAssist InfoLine on 1800 177 591 to discuss the registration process or download the personal details and neurologist/health professionals forms below:
Service coordination
A single point of contact to help manage your MS needs
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