Jenny was told she had an incurable disease at the age of 15. The regular muscle spasms, lack of balance and numbness made it hard to live the active life of a regular teenager. Her mother was a nurse and knew that Jenny needed to see a GP.

Charlie & Jenny
Jenny was immediately referred to a neurologist but before she was able to see the specialist, experienced a severe episode which left her entire body completely paralysed and she went blind in both eyes. She was horrified. Jenny spent the next three months in hospital, and without the MRI technology we have today she endured three painful lumbar punctures before being diagnosed with MS.
At the young age of 15, she was confused, scared and could not fathom what effect that would have on the rest of her life.
Then when Jenny was 19 years old, she met Charlie and they’ve been together ever since! “Charlie married me knowing I had this disease and the challenges it would bring. He carries me when I can’t walk, he keeps me company whilst in hospital and stands by me in everything I doâ€.
44 years after her diagnosis, Charlie is still Jenny’s rock. Charlie and Jenny have also included MS Queensland in their Will. Through their generosity and vision Charlie and Jenny’s fighting spirit and their values will live on forever.
“It’s important to me to leave a gift in my Will to MS Queensland, because I do not want to see another frightened 15-year-old being told they’ve got MS. Especially today with the disease being more understood – knowing they’ve got that for life – it’s really scary for a young person. I don’t want to see anyone go through that.”
Jenny, MS Queensland supporter, living with MS since she was 15
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Or to have a confidential discussion about including MS Queensland in your Will, please contact Sonia Basile, our Donor Relationship Specialist on 0455 028 994 or email