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MS Research Updates

MS Queensland works closely and collaboratively with our national research arm, MS Research Australia, and provides funding towards the Multiple Sclerosis Research Group’s research effort. MS Research Australia implements an informed scientific agenda to accelerate advances that will prevent, better treat and ultimately cure multiple sclerosis.

As a part of the research effort, MS Research Australia provides updates on some of the major breakthroughs in MS Research.


15 June, 2021

  • A new study of over 1600 women looked at the effect of modern MS therapies on relapses before, during and after pregnancy.
  • The study found that continuing the medication natalizumab (Tysabri) into pregnancy reduced the relapse risk during pregnancy. Restarting the medication soon after birth also protected against relapse in the post-partum period.
  • Another new Australian study looking specifically at stem cell transplants in MS has recorded 5 births with no newborn complications after a parent, either male or female, had a stem cell transplant.


18 May, 2021

  • A treatment called ‘adoptive T cell immunotherapy’ – which targets the Epstein Barr virus (EBV) – was shown to be safe in a group of 10 people with progressive MS in a small phase I (safety) trial back in 2018.
  • The treatment takes the person’s T cells from the immune system and boosts their capacity to recognise and kill EBV-infected cells.
  • EBV has long been implicated in the development of MS.
  • The scientists now report on the participants’ clinical outcomes three years after they received the treatment.

Non-Invasive Method Promotes Survival of Myelin-Producing Cells

17 July, 2019

  • An Australian team has looked at a non-invasive method for promoting myelin production in the brain as a way to boost natural myelin repair.
  • In exciting new results, they have found that this method promotes the survival and maturation of myelin-producing cells in the brain.

Anti-EBV Trial Shows Promise in Progressive MS

20 November, 2018
  • A treatment called ‘adoptive T cell immunotherapy’ – which targets the Epstein Barr virus (EBV) – was shown to be safe in a group of 10 patients with primary and secondary MS in a small phase I (safety) trial
  • Larger studies are now underway to test the safety and effectiveness of the treatment

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