Leave a gift in your will
By including MS Queensland in your Will, you are making a gift of enduring hope for thousands of Queenslanders living with MS.
What would you like to accomplish with your money that would be meaningful to you?
Your generosity could help a newly diagnosed dad improve his mobility and balance to the point where he can attend his son’s soccer games on Saturday mornings.
It might fund a week’s worth of respite care for a family caring for a daughter with high-care needs in their home – and thereby extend the family’s ability to stay together. Or your bequest could be that extra bit of funding required to complete a research project which leads to finding the cure for MS.
Think about the lasting impact you want to have on others when you’re gone. Consider how your passions and interests will continue through the people and organisations you love. And know that leaving MS Queensland in your Will means a better life for mums, dads, friends, neighbours and colleagues throughout Queensland, and indeed – the world.
Many people spend time making plans and thinking about the future, but overlook one of the most important responsibilities – making a Will. It can be important to take a moment to think about what’s important to you. MS Queensland can help you with the rest.
For more information or to arrange a confidential meeting to discuss including MS Queensland in your Will, please contact our Gifts in Wills Manager on 07 3840 0888 or email bequest@msqld.org.au
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